Tag Archives: translators


I had that feeling when I discovered that I have to pay a cancellation fee of $42 to leave L10Nbridge’s stinking ‘MarketPlace’. They say that joining a gang is free, but to leave the gang you have to pay a price.

Lionbridge charges a fee for refusing to use their proprietary tool
Cancellation fee sucks

I am calling Lionbridge’s MarketPlace “stinking” because they are pushing translation rates down to sweat-shop levels there. Immoral? Good business practice – from shareholders’ point of view? I don’t know, but I am not playing their games anymore. In Europe, there was a massive exodus of French and Spanish translators from the ranks of this giant translation and localization joint. It seems people in the Old World have higher standards of ethics, and in general are a prouder bunch. After all, money is not everything. But here in America money still rules, people are afraid to lose income, and as a result they let the motherfuckers like L10Nbridge set their rules to rob their own providers.

The sad thing about it is that if I try to contest this outrageous charge, they’ll point me to a provision of the contract, where this mob practice is stipulated. If you want to contest it, welcome to the American Court system. I’ll pass on that. After all, I can earn enough doing certified translations for individuals as I did before.

Companies like LIOX are responsible for the slow death of translator’s occupation. Fewer and fewer professionals remain in business. Poorly educated, illiterate localizers ready to work for pennies are filling the void, and lingvonecrosis (my term) is setting in. Sad, very sad.


Machine translation improvement

I have recently installed a new plugin called Transposh. Curious about the translation quality provided by the plugin, today I checked it with an old trick – back translation. Our instructors in Voennyj Institut Inostrannykh Yazykov (ВИИЯ) often used it to teach us being precise and brief in our translations.

I opened my recent angry post about American Healthcare System and translated it into French using Transposh. I selected French because I consider it my third language, after Russian and English, and I have at least the basic knowledge of it.

Then I pasted the obtained text into a Google translate window and translated it back into English. Google_FR-EN
I was shocked when I realized that the translation was nearly identical to the original English text. Some parts looked even better than the original. When I am expressing myself in English, I often make typical mistakes for a Russian. I mix up, or omit articles, use incorrect tenses, neglect English idioms and so on.

So my conclusion was: the French translation by Transposh (based on google translate API in my settings) was very good. The high quality of the back translation only proved it.

Then I did the same with Russian. And I guess I have good news for Russian translators. Both the translation and back translation revealed the same old problems.
Machine translation into a non-Latin alphabet language with cases, genders, case and verb endings and other ‘fine-tuning’ stuff is still not an option. It looks horrible. And that means, hopefully, that Russian translators will have their slice of cake for years to come. At least when it comes to certified translations. All those birth certificates, marriage certificates, school diplomas and transcripts, police certificates, I love you all. Those documents required by immigration authorities, medical schools and BOARD OF REGISTERED NURSING (my favorite) they will always require a human certified translator. In some cases not only certified but approved and/or accredited as well.

Here comes a puzzle: #2 from below looks bad stylistically, grammatically and esthetically, but apparently it retained the meaning of the original pretty well. #3 is excellent English version of the original, where only one thing is missing. I said «there are way too many people involved», but google translate omitted «way».

#1. This is the original English version

But because nearly every step of my treatment needs to be approved and agreed on due to restrictions of my insurance plan, there are way too many people involved.

#2. This is a Russian translation processed by Transposh.

Но так как почти каждый шаг моей лечение должно быть одобрено и согласовали из-за ограничений моей страховой план, Есть слишком много людей, вовлеченных.

#3. This is a back translation by Google Translate (google.translate.com)

But since almost every step of my treatment should be approved and agreed upon due to the limitations of my insurance plan, there are too many people involved.


Tema Lebedev

He is one of those people whom you like and dislike at the same time. One day he’s a cool guy, funny and clever, says things you totally agree with, and the next day he’s such a fucking jerk – you cannot believe it’s the same person. Sometimes, he’s even witty, I have a couple of images to prove it. Look at the bottom right corner of his home pages.

Below is what his earlier homepage looked like:

He used to smoke three packs per day...

Apparently, the guy still stays away from smoking. Good for him. I remember reading his lengthy post about quitting. It’s a bummer Tema swears a lot and often writes vulgar and pathetic banalities, total shit in his blog. When he doesn’t, reading his blog, books and the content of his studio’s website is fun. Since his ancestors are highly intellectual, writers, translators and poets among them, his Russian is very good. There are very few people among the the Runet bloggers (Russian internet), who can compare with him.

As a professional translator of English (when in Russia), and Russian (after relocating to the US), I used to read Lebedev’s posts a lot. His profound knowledge of his native Russian, excellent command of English, everything and anything related to linguistics, like typography for example, as well as a keen eye on small details, would make him an excellent translator and/or interpreter. But he became a designer instead. Oh, well. It is still fun to check on him from time to time.

P.S. It’s amazing how one and the same person can be a guardian of the Russian language, and at the same time use his popularity to infect and destroy it. I call this infection lingvonecrosis (лингвонекроз). Of course it’s not only Lebedev’s presumptuous vulgarity and cynicism that kills the Russian language, there are many other counter-culture contributors, but he sure runs high in search-engine stats.


Кто же скажет им правду?

Интернет заполонен людьми, считающими себя профессиональными переводчиками, но не являющихся таковыми. Некоторые из них даже регистрируются в базе переводчиков Руслока…

Интересно послушать мнение переводчиков украинского языка о качестве работы их коллеги. Как работодатель, получивший этот “перевод” с опозданием на сутки, после двухкратного напоминания, я не знаю как мне поступить…

Человек не выполнил своих обязательств не только по срокам, он также нарушил прямые указания, которые ему были даны в первой же инструкции: по всем неясным вопросам, например, словосочетаниям, понятным только жителю Северной Америки, незамедлительно обращаться к указанному редактору (консультанту), не реже 2 раз в сутки, представляя список своих вопросов. Иными словами, обязательства свои он нарушил, а значит я не обязан выполнять своих – т.е. оплачивать его работу.


Эволюция переводческого фриланс-бизнеса (1991-н.в.)

Иногда интересно оглянуться назад и посмотреть, с чего я начинал и до чего докатился. Нет никаких сомнений, что останься я в СССР – все было бы иначе.
Сильно сомневаюсь, что было бы лучше… Характер не нордический, вилять хвостом и лизать жопы никогда не умел, всегда прямо говорил людям, что о них думаю… Короче, не было у меня будущего в той стране, и я правильно сделал, что остался в Штатах, когда предоставилась такая возможность.
Об удивительных обстоятельствах моего переезда из Москвы в Сиэтл я писал в “Посиделках у Зимы”
