
Facebook is not only pathetic, it is evil. It sucks the brains from those who have something in their skulls, and impedes development for those who are still growing-up…

I revisited it today after a month-long absence, and I was literally depressed with what I saw there. This first and foremost applies to my kid’s activity there. I cannot believe how shallow, dull and monotonous her ideas are. Even her friends apparently noticed that and she only manages to keep some discussions going on by ‘hiring’ new ones. Only welcome news was her purging 300 people from her friends’ list. Gives me some hope that one day common sense will prevail and she’ll descend to Earth’s surface from wherever she is now.

P.S. The main reason for re-activating my FB account was to find out what Mariya is doing, since we don’t communicate (she ignores my messages and sms’s). The second reason – I hoped to find somebody among local folks to send a package to Russia.

P.P.S. I predict Facebook’s decline in the nearest future. I cannot believe millions of people won’t eventually see what I saw…


Blending in

Вот я и слился с окружающей средой – почти ничем не выделяюсь от остальных жителей Sunshine State. Я также решил быть скромнее и не стал заказывать номерные знаки RUSLOC. Хотя на рамке, в которую знак вставлен, реклама фирмы продолжается. Глупо выкидывать то, за что платил почти сто долларов (она сделана из чистой бронзы и покрыта хромом).

Передний знак во Флориде не положен, теперь нужно подумать, как заделать две дырочки от шурупов на бампере…
