When I started my military linguist training in Moscow in 1968, USSR invaded Czechoslovakia. On orders from the USSR Communist Party leadership, my school commanders hastily formed a couple of Czech language groups from my course’s existing cadets. The guys were trained using an ad-hoc program and unprecedented methods. After a year of hard work some were expelled from the school but the remaining 20 or so knew the language pretty well and were thrown into the midst of what we now know was a fucking Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia!
Many of them eventually reached prominent positions in the Army, GRU and KGB since then, but most died from alcoholism including my best friend Slava Chainikov.
How ironic, that many years later Mariya, my daughter, chose to move to Prague and live and study there… Thanks to her Czech friends in Florida, I realized how despised and hated my Russian friends were and still are in that country…
Masha, you can tell your Czech friends that I owe them an apology for what my former home country’s leaders did in 1968. I also hope that my schoolmates from Czech groups in Voennyj Institut Inostrannykh Yazykov (ВИИЯ) who graduated in 1969 didn’t do anything bad to the people of that country while serving there.
Почему-то меня задел один из кадров хроники тех лет с не очень грамотной, но понятной надписью на моем русском языке – в данной ситуации – языке оккупантов. По-моему, русские продолжают наступать на те же самые грабли и сейчас – в 2016 году.
Где не хватает аргументов, наступает винтовка. Это нам уже показал Гитлер. Почему тоже вы? Думайте.
А еще я думаю, что было бы в СССР, если бы там была свобода информации… Если б мы, живущие, в той стране, увидели, как настоящие чехи воспринимают нашу “братскую помощь”.