Tema Lebedev

He is one of those people whom you like and dislike at the same time. One day he’s a cool guy, funny and clever, says things you totally agree with, and the next day he’s such a fucking jerk – you cannot believe it’s the same person. Sometimes, he’s even witty, I have a couple of images to prove it. Look at the bottom right corner of his home pages.

Below is what his earlier homepage looked like:

He used to smoke three packs per day...

Apparently, the guy still stays away from smoking. Good for him. I remember reading his lengthy post about quitting. It’s a bummer Tema swears a lot and often writes vulgar and pathetic banalities, total shit in his blog. When he doesn’t, reading his blog, books and the content of his studio’s website is fun. Since his ancestors are highly intellectual, writers, translators and poets among them, his Russian is very good. There are very few people among the the Runet bloggers (Russian internet), who can compare with him.

As a professional translator of English (when in Russia), and Russian (after relocating to the US), I used to read Lebedev’s posts a lot. His profound knowledge of his native Russian, excellent command of English, everything and anything related to linguistics, like typography for example, as well as a keen eye on small details, would make him an excellent translator and/or interpreter. But he became a designer instead. Oh, well. It is still fun to check on him from time to time.

P.S. It’s amazing how one and the same person can be a guardian of the Russian language, and at the same time use his popularity to infect and destroy it. I call this infection lingvonecrosis (лингвонекроз). Of course it’s not only Lebedev’s presumptuous vulgarity and cynicism that kills the Russian language, there are many other counter-culture contributors, but he sure runs high in search-engine stats.


Shit hits fan

For nearly ten days I had very bad pain in the right-side jaw bone, the area that was supposedly healing after all the treatment I underwent in the past several months. Yesterday, I have finally received an explanation from my doctor.


You have a fractured jaw on the right side and that is the cause of your problems. I contacted my friend at Virginia Mason, Dr. Bayles, for his recommendation. I think you may actually need to have a reconstruction with bone and tissue from your leg, called a fibular free flap, placed in order to successfully treat this. I will let you know when I hear from him.

Michael Toubbeh, MD
Dept. of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Bellevue Medical Center
11511 NE 10th Street
Bellevue, WA 98004

Something tells me I am in for a lot of fun.

I am also curious when/if I will ever be able to enjoy delicacies like this:

Alex an myself in Pattaya, Thailand


Viktor Shenderovich’s “da’s” drive me fucking mad.

Shenderovich is one of the few political observers worth listening to in today’s Russia, but he needs to fix a bad speech defect. After nearly every sentence, he says “Da?” It’s so fucking irritating and distracting… I cannot believe his friends never told him about it.

Here’s a sample of his da-da-da-ing. Recorded on May 12, 2011. Click the image above.



Пока не решил, в каком формате завершить описание своей увлекательной поездки длиной в 9075 миль, наткнулся на снимки своего витаминизированного ужина во флоридском мотеле и вспомнил о вызванных ими ассоциациях…


Zima in Google

Медленно, но верно Google отбирает у Майкрософта лучших программистов. Вот и Эльдар, мой питерский земляк, “поменял ориентацию”.

Сегодня, проезжая мимо, зашел к нему в гости и лично убедился, что сотрудники Гугла живут в коммунизме. Если в корпусах Майкрософта только напитки бесплатные, то здесь я увидел огромный кафетерий с внушительным выбором блюд и ни единого кассира. Все бесплатно, даже для гостей – сертифицированных переводчиков и пенсионеров по совместительству, типа меня.

Еда была превосходная, явно не бюджетная. Очень понравился сыр “бри” на дессерт. Короткая прогулка по рабочему корпусу убедила, что и работают ребята в приятной атмосфере: светлые просторные комнаты, громадные мониторы, вид на озеро Вашингтон и Олимпийские горы. Единственное замечание – мало парковочных мест для гостей. Мне пришлось притворится вендором (поставщиком), чтоб поставить свой джип. А, может, это был знак? Может, Руслоку (Rusloc LLC) пора начать поставлять услуги по грамотному техническому переводу и для Гугла, а не только для “гиганта из Редмонда”?..  Точнее, в основном, для его отделения на Крылатских холмах.

Я также с большим удовольствием отметил, что атмосфера, царящая в компании Гугл, видимо не показушная, т.к. друг мой был раскован и благодушен. Во время его пахоты на “гиганта из Рэдмонда” я его таким счастливым и спокойным не видел ни разу!


“Живут же люди…”

Да, действительно, иногда жить приятно…
и никаких "certified translations of birth certificates"

certified translations of marriage and birth certificates – только по прибытии в порт. На борту лайнера интернет запредельно дорог и ненадежен.

Шэрон на “моем” пляже. Год назад я здесь набирался сил после лечения от рака – о. Барбадос.


Certified Russian and Ukrainian Translation by native speakers